About Amaya

I am a free thinker, a woman with an analytical mind and an anarchist heart. A serene soul that belies an unshakeable lust.  A creature of the night, of sunsets and clandestine alliances; a bona fide libertine with a heart of gold. And this above all: a radical lover of life — all that I do, I do with all my heart and intention; to be good, true and free. 

As a collector of experiences and not things, I must admit I am a seeker of the illicit, of secret-making and pleasure-taking. With an attraction to both the lurid and the liminal, I am drawn inevitably to secrets and the excess. And so it is in this underside of reality that I have encountered great joy; where our desires set the scene for uninhibited exploration, unashamed liberation, open-hearted acceptance, and complete body-and-soul satisfaction.

I dabble in a multitude of curiosities, but am a true child of the Humanities: in both my belief in inherent human goodness and as a voracious student that has flitted between literature, art, history, classics, film and philosophy. A veritable bon vivant, I spend my days drinking too much coffee, chasing sunlight and in between books. I don’t think there could be a greater achievement for myself than to have done my best to hurt no one, love freely, and to leave the world a little better than I found it.

I firmly believe every person should be able and unafraid to explore, nurture, and indulge their sexuality. To connect with that basic aspect of ourselves as intimate beings –a being that craves warmth, touch, comfort and that affirming feeling we are not alone –is not only normal but necessary.

It may seem trite to say this, that life is too short, but it truly is: brief and beautiful. Take it with both hands; I’ll meet you half-way.

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